Treatment for OSA

A successful therapy starts with a best fitting mask and customise setting for patients. Long term compliance of therapy comes with therapy management in regular monitoring of patients therapy, adjusting setting and replacing accessories/parts.Indo Medika Nusantara team is committed to work closely with our doctors to develop Sleep Apnea Therapy Management Solutions for all patients.
Contact us for product demo and therapy management workshop |
DreamStation Auto CPAP, Auto BiPAPDreamStation positive airway pressure (PAP) sleep therapy devices are designed to be as comfortable and easy to experience as sleep is intended to be. Philips Encore Pro software allow care provide to closely monitor and tailor the therapy setting to individual patients need IMN provides workshops products and therapy management solutions Contact IMN for product demo - Whatsapp: +62 811 911 3330, email: |

Basic CPAP - Dorma 200Dorma 200 is an affordable fixed pressure CPAP device with proven Philips quality. The system features quiet operation, automatic altitude compensation, and optional humidifier/SD card. With its cost-effective design, the Dorma 200 offers a practical approach to sleep therapy. Contact IMN for product demo - Whatsapp: +62 811 911 3330, email: |
Mask - Nasal, Nasal Pillow and Full Face MaskGetting the best fitted mask is the key to a successful PAP Therapy for your patient. Mask are divide into 3 type -
Most of the mask package with 3 cushion size in a pack except for Full Face mask. In IMN, we carry a full range of mask and replacement parts. Contact IMN for product demo - Whatsapp: +62 811 911 3330, email: |