Philips DreamStation Reusable Filter
Philips DreamStation Reusable Filter
Philips DreamStation Reusable Filter
Philips DreamStation Reusable Filter

Philips DreamStation Reusable Filter

Unit price per


  • Visit IMN Therapy Centre at L'Avenue Office Building
  • You can place an order in IMN Tokopedia store or whatsapp us to place an order


Buy your Medical Supply from authorised agent for product quality assurance.

This pack include:

  • 1 x Resuable Pollen Filter for DreamStation

Product Information

To increase the success of the filtration system, use this reusable filter with the Disposable Fine Filter for DreamStation Machines (Replacement for Light Blue Reusable Filter). Together, the filters are intended to catch small and large particles, preventing them from entering the machine from the surrounding environment.

Wash at least once a week. Change a new Pollen filter every 3 month.





Bahasa Indonesia


  • Kunjungi Pusat Terapi IMN di gedung L'Avenue Office, Pancoran
  • Anda bisa memesan produk kami di Tokopedia Official Store Indo Medika Nusantara (IMN) atau bisa melalui WhatsApp kami.

Beli Perlengkapan Medis Anda dari agen resmi untuk jaminan kualitas produk.

Paket ini termasuk:

  • 1 buah Resusable Filter untuk DreamStation

Informasi Produk

Untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan system filtrasi, gunakan filter reusable ini bersamaan dengan filter disposable ultra fine untuk mesin CPAP DreamStation. Keduanya ditujukan untuk menangkap partikel kecil dan besar, mencegahnya masuk dari lingkungan sekitar kedalam mesin.

Cuci minimal satu kali seminggu. Ganti filter baru setiap 3 bulan.






  • Visit IMN Therapy Centre at L'Avenue Office Building
  • You can place an order in IMN Tokopedia store or whatsapp us to place an order


Buy your Medical Supply from authorised agent for product quality assurance.

This pack include:

  • 1 x Resuable Pollen Filter for DreamStation

Product Information

To increase the success of the filtration system, use this reusable filter with the Disposable Fine Filter for DreamStation Machines (Replacement for Light Blue Reusable Filter). Together, the filters are intended to catch small and large particles, preventing them from entering the machine from the surrounding environment.

Wash at least once a week. Change a new Pollen filter every 3 month.





Bahasa Indonesia


  • Kunjungi Pusat Terapi IMN di gedung L'Avenue Office, Pancoran
  • Anda bisa memesan produk kami di Tokopedia Official Store Indo Medika Nusantara (IMN) atau bisa melalui WhatsApp kami.

Beli Perlengkapan Medis Anda dari agen resmi untuk jaminan kualitas produk.

Paket ini termasuk:

  • 1 buah Resusable Filter untuk DreamStation

Informasi Produk

Untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan system filtrasi, gunakan filter reusable ini bersamaan dengan filter disposable ultra fine untuk mesin CPAP DreamStation. Keduanya ditujukan untuk menangkap partikel kecil dan besar, mencegahnya masuk dari lingkungan sekitar kedalam mesin.

Cuci minimal satu kali seminggu. Ganti filter baru setiap 3 bulan.